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How do I restrict each user to a certain (and different) directory on SFTP

Posted: 2020/06/29 20:16:56
by NTekNiklaus
Hello, am running CentOS 8.2 and I have three services running on this VM, Steam, Minecraft, and a website. They are all within their own user accounts. What I want to do is I still want to be able to use on all these accounts, but I don't want them to be within the home directory. What I am looking at doing is getting SFTP to only allow access to the folders in each directory, all of which are named differently, but within /home. Is there any way I can do that?

Re: How do I restrict each user to a certain (and different) directory on SFTP

Posted: 2020/06/29 20:22:03
by TrevorH
Can you give an example?

Re: How do I restrict each user to a certain (and different) directory on SFTP

Posted: 2020/06/29 23:23:23
by NTekNiklaus
Sure. Let's use my website and Half-Life server for example since one has a different situation.

The website is under a user named web. It is in the wheel group and I sign in whenever I need to mess with the website. I set a redirect for /var/www/html to /home/web/(redacted).

I'll redact the folder name where the website is stored as it has the website name.

On the other hand, my Half-Life server is under a user named steam, in the steam home folder there is another folder named steam, and lastly, hlserver. Half-Lifes executible runs out of there.

So what I want to do is this.
For steam, I want SFTP to only be able to access /home/steam/steam/hlserver.
For web, I want SFTP to only be able to access /home/(redacted)

Re: How do I restrict each user to a certain (and different) directory on SFTP

Posted: 2020/06/30 06:13:50
by jlehtone
I think you should look for "SFTP chroot".

Re: How do I restrict each user to a certain (and different) directory on SFTP

Posted: 2020/06/30 06:58:56
by KernelOops
Its fairly easy to do, by restricting home directory access. I do that regularly for my websites.

For example, if I have three websites like:


then I make sure their group/world permissions are restricted, like:

chmod go-wrx /home/web1
chmod go-wrx /home/web2
chmod go-wrx /home/web3

thus, the sftp user web1 can't change to /home and then move to another home directory like web2 or web3.

further into this, php is setup accordingly with open_basedir restrictions, and each apache domain is also restricted the same way.