Assembler programming question

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Assembler programming question

Post by lightman47 » 2022/08/02 18:17:23

I am using nasm, along with SASM GUI editor to re-learn assembler (which now uses 64 bits instead of 16).

Way, WAAYYYY back in my previous Microsoft assembler days I used MASM and it came with CodeView - an interface in which you could single-step, watch the contents of all the registers with each step, and it recognized labels & variables because it ran the source code perhaps while 'viewing the object code'.(?) While I'm normally not an M.S. fan, that was a terrific program!

I see gdb is installed on my machine. Given the only screen render I've seen online, I am only slightly enthused. Is there a linux 'counterpart' to CodeView by any chance? Or is there a good video tutorial on line (most I've found are for "C" code or the assembler produced by "C")?

I think that I am also learning that the programming, building, and resultant executable is 'linux flavor specific' - please say this isn't so! While I have no issue using nasm and other Red Hat 'flavored' tools in their environment, I would hope the resultant program would execute correctly on any linux system.

To pre-answer the question:
Because I can do it, I like the learning involved, and it's the fastest thing around! ;)

Thank you.

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Re: Assembler programming question

Post by BShT » 2022/08/03 11:18:37

i don´t know if it is a good software, i used to program assembly in the 90´s for DOS

I studied very little about assembly for linux, I can say that int 0x80 is more or less the int 0x21 of DOS

whether you use your program on one distribution or another will always depend on the libraries you use, whether they are standard

I know that linux assembly source codes can also be compiled on FreeBSD

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Re: Assembler programming question

Post by lightman47 » 2022/08/03 14:38:07

Clearly I've 'blown' the installation, or how I am using it. Whenever I try to build I get a number of errors. I am beginning to think it is because I have my file in $HOME/workspace/assembler and I think SASM probably wants them elsewhere.

I installed it via the software app in RHEL 8. The editor works nicely, but coded 'includes' don't work, builds/runs don't work. I usually keep a terminal window open when editing to run the build commands manually.

Thanks you.

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Joined: 2019/10/09 12:31:40

Re: Assembler programming question

Post by BShT » 2022/08/04 12:56:24

look at include directory permissions

Posts: 1522
Joined: 2014/05/21 20:16:00
Location: Central New York, USA

Re: Assembler programming question

Post by lightman47 » 2022/08/04 15:19:38

Sometimes I don't think of the obvious! I will look into this. Thanks for the input.

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