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duply duplicity keyfile not found?

Posted: 2020/11/17 20:43:58
by darkelf

on Centos 7, my duply setup with encryption works fine.

Now Centos 8 it looks like there is an problem with reading the gpg keys.

Code: Select all

[root@test ~]# duply test status
Start duply v2.2.2, time is 2020-11-17 21:25:20.
Using profile '/root/.duply/test'.
Using installed duplicity version 0.8.17, python 3.6.8 (/usr/bin/python3.6), gpg 2.2.9 (Home: /root/.gnupg), awk 'GNU Awk 4.2.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 3.1.6-p2, GNU MP 6.1.2)', grep 'grep (GNU grep) 3.1', bash '4.4.19(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)'.
Encryption public key '37D4E6CFBF80BFEF446C4E86F0D2508B1F2CEC27 4148CC82B1D9305C2F11F6E39BD2488C78506194' not found.


No keyfile for '37D4E6CFBF80BFEF446C4E86F0D2508B1F2CEC27 4148CC82B1D9305C2F11F6E39BD2488C78506194' found in profile

Autoset trust of key '37D4E6CFBF80BFEF446C4E86F0D2508B1F2CEC27 4148CC82B1D9305C2F11F6E39BD2488C78506194' to ultimate (FAILED)
For duply to work you have to set the trust level 
with the command "trust" to "ultimate" (5) now.
Exit the edit mode of gpg with "quit".
Running gpg to manually edit key '37D4E6CFBF80BFEF446C4E86F0D2508B1F2CEC27 4148CC82B1D9305C2F11F6E39BD2488C78506194' (FAILED)

Sorry. A fatal ERROR occured:

Public gpg key '37D4E6CFBF80BFEF446C4E86F0D2508B1F2CEC27 4148CC82B1D9305C2F11F6E39BD2488C78506194' cannot be found.

  Doublecheck if the above key is listed by 'gpg --list-keys' or available 
  as gpg key file 'gpgkey.37D4E6CFBF80BFEF446C4E86F0D2508B1F2CEC27_4148CC82B1D9305C2F11F6E39BD2488C78506194.asc' in the profile folder.
  If not you can put it there and duply will autoimport it on the next run.
  Alternatively import it manually as the user you plan to run duply with.

  Maybe you have not created a gpg key yet (e.g. gpg --gen-key)?
  Don't forget the used _password_ as you will need it.
  When done enter the 8 digit id & the password in the profile conf file.

  The key id can be found doing a 'gpg --list-keys'. In the  example output 
  below the key id would be FFFFFFFF for the public key.

  pub   1024D/FFFFFFFF 2007-12-17
  uid                  duplicity
  sub   2048g/899FE27F 2007-12-17

[root@test ~]# gpg --list-keys
pub   rsa4096 2015-09-18 [SC]
uid        [ ultimativ ] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sub   rsa4096 2015-09-18 [E]

pub   rsa4096 2015-09-21 [SC]
uid        [ ultimativ ] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sub   rsa4096 2015-09-21 [E]

Centos 8 comes with duplicity version 0.8.16. I installed 0.8.17 too, same message.

The different between Centos 7 and Centos 8 is the lenght of the key id. 8 chars Centos 7 and 40 chars on Centos 8.

Any Ideas?

Re: duply duplicity keyfile not found?

Posted: 2020/11/19 14:34:21
by darkelf
Fixed, it works with a comma between the keys. rtfm