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Guidance OCI8 installation/configuration for PHP

Posted: 2010/10/24 22:05:37
by amtradm
I’m trying to attach oracle to PHP on CentOS5.5. So far I’ve been unable to do so.
The OCI8 module is not configured with PHP5.1 by default, and I haven’t found any YUM modules that install it. If there are no YUM install modules planned, is there a workaround. Any advice helps.

Thanks for Reading.

Re: Guidance OCI8 installation/configuration for PHP

Posted: 2010/10/25 16:23:48
by pschaff
The [url=]Remi Collet Repository[/url] seems to have what you are looking for. To use it I suspect you will have to install PHP with all the dependencies from that repo, replacing core packages. Please be sure you understand the implications of that before proceeding. Relevant links:
[url=]Installing Software[/url]
[url=]FAQ#20. Where can I get the latest version of XyZ.rpm for CentOS? I cannot find it anywhere.[/url]

Re: Guidance OCI8 installation/configuration for PHP

Posted: 2011/01/20 05:34:12
by christinaray
Download the Basic and the SDK packages from At the time of this writing, the filenames are and

Unzip these files in a new directory, e.g. /opt/oracle/instantclient.

Try out this and let me know what happen

Guidance OCI8 installation/configuration for PHP

Posted: 2011/01/26 06:56:53
by yyagol
have you try following php manual here :
I use PECL my self and it works fine including TNS connection

Re: Guidance OCI8 installation/configuration for PHP

Posted: 2011/03/30 15:35:15
by szsahin
I prefer to use zip versions, rpm versions are somewhat problematic at least for me...


Download them to a folder, e.g. /opt/deploy/oracle/


# cd /opt
# unzip /opt/deploy/oracle/
# unzip /opt/deploy/oracle/

make a few required changes,

# cd /opt/instantclient_11_1
# ln -s
# ln -s

# cd /opt/deploy/oracle/

As of my writing, curent version is oci8-1.4.5.tgz

# cd /opt/deploy/oracle/
# pecl download oci8
# tar zxvf oci8-1.4.5.tgz
# cd oci8-1.4.5
# phpize
# ./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/opt/instantclient_11_1
# make
# make install

By making this, oci8 module will be copied to "/usr/lib/php/modules". To enable it,

# echo "" > /etc/php.d/oci8.ini

then restart httpd. Then you should see it enabled with "phpinfo()"